Category: Houck News

To our employees, business partners, vendors, community leaders, and friends,

We hope that you are staying safe and that you are able to maintain operations and activity as normally as possible during this difficult time. The news and situation surrounding the COVID-19 virus is rapidly and constantly evolving, and we are all working our way through the challenges and decision-making processes associated with it. The health and safety of our employees, business partners and vendors is of paramount importance to us as we navigate our way through this crisis.

We are very grateful to say that our workforce has not been directly impacted by the COVID-19. At this time, we have no known cases within our staff. As it stands now, we are in the position to maintain operations and continue to provide high levels of service and responsiveness, while maintaining safe work environments for our customers and employees. We will not; however, put anyone at risk, and we will do our best as a company and as individuals to prevent the potential spread of this virus by practicing and exploring the following:

  • We are investigating alternating work days for administrative positions to reduce the number of people in the office.
  • We are encouraging work-from-home options – where and when feasible.
  • With regard to field proceedings, we are attempting to keep as many projects operational as possible – while keeping within the specific mandates of our customers.
  • Superintendents are remaining mobile and working from their trucks – where and when possible.
  • The leadership team, where possible, is planning on being in the office.
  • Meetings in general will be held only as absolutely necessary and with less than 10 people in attendance.
  • Operational meetings will be handled remotely – where possible.
  • Virtual meetings and teleconferencing are strongly encouraged in place of face-to-face events.

For our customers:

When at all possible, we will access our worksites via exterior access as to not enter the building unless absolutely necessary. When our work requires access into our customers’ buildings, our staff has been instructed to follow guidelines outlined by the CDC, including practicing social distancing.

While much of our communication throughout the project process can be done electronically via phone, e-mail, or video chat, we recognize that in-person meetings may still be required. Should we need to meet with you or someone associated with the particular project or work being performed, we will respect your space and time, and take the proper safety precautions.

For our employees:

In addition to the above procedures, we are asking all Houck employees to practice the following standard precautions to reduce the potential spread of the virus and minimize risk:

  • If an employee is sick, we’re asking that you please stay home.
  • Any employees displaying symptoms while at work or on a job site will be asked to leave.
  • Cover any coughs or sneezes with your elbow (vampire cough) or cough into a tissue or disposable product that is immediately thrown into a waste basket.
  • Wash hands often (for at least 20 seconds and before eating.)
  • Use hand sanitizers often and refrain from touching your face.
  • No more handshakes. We ask all employees to practice overall “no-contact” behaviors.
  • Please take measures to continually disinfect door handles, handrails, printers and copiers, eating areas and community spaces, buzzers, buttons, light switches, etc.
  • Limit travel, when possible, and practice social distancing.
  • Temporarily discourage visitors and vendors from visiting the office.
  • If you have a sick family member, please notify your supervisor so Houck can do a risk assessment.

This is a stressful time. If you are experiencing anxiety issues and would like to speak with a professional, please remember to take advantage of the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) available to Houck employees.

Please reference a more comprehensive list of precautions and guidelines at https://www.cdc.gov, https://www.who.int, https://www.hhs.gov, and https://www.health.pa.gov/Pages/default.aspx

Remember, we are all in this together, and we will get through it. Thank you for your understanding and patience as we all work together during this challenging time. We are always available for your questions. Please don’t hesitate to reach out.

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